6 Effective Ways to Keep Possums Out of Your Home

Possums are fascinating creatures and play an essential role in the ecosystem, but they can become a nuisance when they invade your home. Their presence can cause noise, damage, and health concerns. If you’ve experienced a possum intrusion or want to prevent one, this guide will outline six effective steps to keep them at bay. Whether you’re looking for DIY solutions or considering Possum Removal, this article has you covered.

Step 1: Seal Entry Points

Possums often gain access to homes through small gaps, broken tiles, or vents. Conduct a thorough inspection of your home to identify any potential entry points.

  • What to Look For:
    Check for holes or cracks in the roof, walls, and under the eaves. Possums only need a gap the size of a fist to enter.
  • How to Seal Them:
    Use materials like wire mesh, steel plates, or caulk to block these openings. If you’re unsure, a professional possum removal service can inspect your home and ensure every access point is sealed properly.

Step 2: Trim Overhanging Trees

Possums are excellent climbers and often use overhanging tree branches to access roofs. By trimming trees near your home, you can reduce the likelihood of them reaching your roof.

  • DIY Tip:
    Keep branches at least 2-3 meters away from your roofline. Regularly maintain trees and shrubs around your property.
  • Additional Benefit:
    Trimming also discourages other pests like rats or squirrels from accessing your home.

Step 3: Secure Your Rubbish Bins

Possums are attracted to food scraps in open bins, which can encourage them to linger around your property. Properly securing your bins will make your home less appealing to them.

  • How to Do It:
    Use bins with tight-fitting lids and avoid leaving food waste exposed. Consider placing bins inside a secured area if possible.
  • Bonus Tip:
    Compost piles should also be covered or secured, as they can attract possums.

Step 4: Install Motion-Activated Deterrents

Possums are nocturnal creatures and prefer quiet, dark spaces. Motion-activated lights or sprinklers can scare them away.

  • DIY Option:
    Install solar-powered lights or water sprayers near potential entry points or areas they frequent.
  • Long-Term Benefit:
    These deterrents not only discourage possums but can also keep other nocturnal pests away.

Step 5: Use Natural Repellents

Certain smells can deter possums from approaching your home. While not a guaranteed solution, natural repellents can add an extra layer of protection.

  • What to Use:
    Possums dislike strong odours like garlic, chilli powder, or essential oils (peppermint or eucalyptus).
  • How to Apply:
    Spray these around entry points, garbage bins, and other areas where possums are likely to roam. Reapply regularly, especially after rain.

Step 6: Call Professional Possum Removal Services

If you already have a possum in your home or yard, it’s essential to handle the situation with care. Possums are protected in many parts of Australia, meaning they cannot be harmed or relocated without proper authorization.

  • Why Choose Professionals:
    A professional possum removal service ensures the possum is removed safely and legally. They also provide solutions to prevent future invasions.
  • Benefits:
    Experts can identify problem areas, use humane traps, and follow local wildlife regulations.


Keeping possums out of your home requires a combination of prevention and, if necessary, professional intervention. By sealing entry points, trimming overhanging trees, securing rubbish bins, installing deterrents, and using natural repellents, you can minimize the risk of possum intrusions. If a possum does make its way into your home, always opt for humane and legal Possum Removal.

Protect your home and ensure the safety of these native creatures by implementing these steps today. If you need assistance or expert advice, Contact Us for reliable and professional Possum Removal services.


1. Are possums dangerous to humans?

Possums are not typically aggressive but can carry bacteria or parasites that pose health risks. It’s best to avoid direct contact and seek Possum Removal services if necessary.

2. Can I remove a possum myself?

Possums are protected by law in many areas, so removing them without proper permission may lead to penalties. Always consult with a professional possum removal service to handle the situation legally and ethically.

Published on: February 16, 2025

Carpenter ants are one of the most common and destructive pests that can invade your home. These large, black or red ants are infamous for chewing through wood and causing structural damage to your home. However, despite their reputation for being wood-damaging pests, carpenter ants actually feed on a wide variety of substances.

What Carpenter Ants Eat: A Diverse Diet

While carpenter ants are known for their wood-boring habits, their diet is far more varied. Unlike termites, which primarily consume wood, carpenter ants are omnivores. They feed on both plant and animal-based materials. Here are some of the primary food sources for carpenter ants:

1. Sugary Substances

  • Why It’s a Favorite: Carpenter ants are particularly drawn to sugary foods. They are known to seek out sweet liquids, especially during the warmer months.
  • What to Look For: Carpenter ants are often attracted to syrup, honey, and sugary drinks. You might find them around food spills, fruit, or open containers of sweet food items. The ants consume the sugary liquids and then return to their nests to share the food with the rest of the colony.

2. Protein and Fats

  • Why It’s a Necessary Part of Their Diet: Carpenter ants also require proteins and fats to thrive. These substances help fuel their active lifestyles.
  • What to Look For: Carpenter ants will often forage for meat, including dead insects, animal carcasses, and even grease or fat from kitchen areas. They might invade your pantry to access high-protein foods like pet food or dried meats, or they may target trash bins that contain leftover food scraps.

3. Wood and Plant Material

  • Why It’s Not Just for Nesting: Carpenter ants are infamous for chewing through wood, but they don’t eat the wood. Instead, they use it to build their nests.
  • What to Look For: Carpenter ants chew through wood to create tunnels, but the wood itself is not a primary food source. They will, however, use the wood to create a safe nesting area close to food sources. You may find their nests in the hollowed-out wood inside walls, wooden beams, or even in trees. Sometimes, carpenter ants will target trees that have decayed or are already weakened.

4. Dead Insects and Other Organic Matter

  • Why It Works for Their Colony: Carpenter ants will scavenge dead insects and other organic matter, which can be found in and around your home.
  • What to Look For: If you see carpenter ants around dead insects, it’s a sign that they are taking advantage of the food source. Dead ants, termites, and other pests provide a rich source of protein for carpenter ants.

How Carpenter Ants Find Their Food

Carpenter ants are excellent foragers and can travel long distances from their nests in search of food. They tend to follow established trails and will return to the colony once they’ve found a food source. They use their antennae to detect food sources, and they communicate with other ants by releasing pheromones that guide them to the food.

You might not always notice carpenter ants foraging for food, as they are most active during the night when it’s cooler. However, if you spot them during the day, it’s likely that they are scouting for food or returning to the nest.

How to Prevent Carpenter Ants from Invading Your Home

Knowing what carpenter ants eat is important because it can help you eliminate the food sources that attract them. Here are a few tips to keep carpenter ants away from your home:

1. Seal Food Sources

  • Why It Works: Eliminating easy access to food is the first step in preventing carpenter ants from invading.
  • How to Do It: Store food in airtight containers, clean up spills immediately, and make sure trash bins are tightly sealed. Avoid leaving pet food out overnight, as it can attract ants.

2. Control Moisture Levels

  • Why It Works: Carpenter ants are attracted to moist environments, and they often nest in damp wood.
  • How to Do It: Fix any leaky pipes or roof issues in your home. Make sure that basements and attics are well-ventilated and dry. Use dehumidifiers in damp areas to keep the environment less inviting to ants.

3. Eliminate Nesting Sites

  • Why It Works: Carpenter ants are known to build nests inside wood, especially decaying wood.
  • How to Do It: Inspect your home for any signs of damaged or decaying wood. Seal any cracks and gaps in your foundation, walls, and windows to prevent ants from entering. Trim tree branches that come into contact with your home to discourage ants from entering via the trees.

4. Call Pest Control Experts

  • Why It Works: If carpenter ants are already in your home, it’s best to seek professional help to remove them.
  • How to Do It: If you’ve spotted carpenter ants or suspect an infestation, contact pest control experts for an assessment. Professionals can safely remove the ants, treat the infestation, and help prevent future problems. For comprehensive Pest Control Services in Melbourne, experts use advanced techniques to ensure your home remains pest-free.


Carpenter ants may seem like harmless pests, but they can cause serious damage to your home if left unchecked. While they don’t eat wood like termites, they use wood to build nests and can weaken the structure of your home. Understanding what carpenter ants eat can help you eliminate food sources and take the necessary steps to prevent an infestation. By sealing food sources, controlling moisture, eliminating nesting sites, and calling in pest control experts if needed, you can keep your home safe from these destructive pests.

Published on: February 14, 2025

Flies are one of the most common and widespread pests around the world. We often see them buzzing around our food or landing on surfaces, but there is much more to these tiny creatures than meets the eye. 

1. Flies Have Incredibly Fast Reflexes

  • Why It’s Fascinating: Flies are known for their lightning-fast reflexes, allowing them to avoid swats and other threats with ease.
  • How It Works: A fly can detect and react to movement in less than a tenth of a second. This ability makes them very difficult to catch or swat, and is a key reason why they can fly away so quickly when you try to smack them.

2. Flies Can Taste With Their Feet

  • Why It’s Fascinating: Unlike humans, flies don’t use their mouths to taste food. Instead, they have taste sensors on their feet.
  • How It Works: When a fly lands on food, it uses its feet to taste the surface before it eats. The fly’s feet contain taste receptors that help it determine if the food is suitable for consumption.

3. Flies Can Fly in Any Direction

  • Why It’s Fascinating: Flies are capable of flying in any direction, including upside down.
  • How It Works: Flies have specialized wings and muscle control that allow them to change directions rapidly. This gives them the ability to hover, fly forward, backward, and even fly upside down with ease.

4. They Have Two Compound Eyes

  • Why It’s Fascinating: A fly’s eyes are made up of thousands of tiny lenses, giving them almost a 360-degree view of their surroundings.
  • How It Works: Flies have large compound eyes that contain thousands of individual lenses (facets). This allows them to see an incredibly wide range of motion and detect motion quickly, making it hard to swat them.

5. Flies Have Short Lifespans

  • Why It’s Fascinating: Despite their small size, flies live surprisingly short lives.
  • How It Works: The average lifespan of a common housefly is only 2 to 4 weeks, but during that time, they can lay hundreds of eggs. This rapid reproduction rate contributes to the large populations of flies in many areas.

6. Flies Can Carry Diseases

  • Why It’s Fascinating: Flies are not just annoying; they are also capable of carrying and transmitting diseases.
  • How It Works: Flies are known to spread diseases like E. coli, salmonella, and even the Zika virus. When they land on contaminated surfaces, their bodies pick up bacteria, which they can then transfer to food, utensils, and surfaces around your home.

7. Flies Have a Strong Sense of Smell

  • Why It’s Fascinating: Flies rely heavily on their sense of smell to find food and mates.
  • How It Works: Flies can smell food from several miles away and are drawn to strong scents, such as decaying organic matter. This ability helps them locate food and breeding sites.

8. Flies Don’t Actually Eat Solid Food

  • Why It’s Fascinating: Flies can’t chew solid food like humans and many other animals can.
  • How It Works: Flies use a specialized feeding tube called a proboscis, which they use to suck up liquids. To eat solid food, flies first regurgitate digestive enzymes that liquefy the food, allowing them to drink it up.

9. Flies Can See in Slow Motion

  • Why It’s Fascinating: A fly’s brain processes visual information much faster than a human’s, allowing them to perceive time more slowly.
  • How It Works: Flies have a high flicker fusion rate, meaning they can see and process multiple frames per second. This makes their perception of time slower than ours, which is why they can often dodge swats so effectively.

10. Flies Are Great At Reproducing

  • Why It’s Fascinating: Flies are highly prolific breeders, and a single pair of flies can produce thousands of offspring in just a short period.
  • How It Works: A female fly can lay up to 500 eggs in her lifetime, which hatch into larvae within a day or two. The larvae (maggots) feed on organic matter, eventually pupating into adult flies, starting the cycle over again.


Flies may be small and often irritating, but they have some truly fascinating traits that make them uniquely adapted to their environment. From their fast reflexes and complex eyes to their ability to carry diseases, flies are much more than just a nuisance. By understanding how they operate, we can take better steps to control their populations and minimize the risks they pose to our health. If you are struggling with a fly infestation, don’t hesitate to reach out to emergency pest control experts in Melbourne for effective solutions to keep your home pest-free.

Published on: February 7, 2025

Possums are common visitors to urban and suburban areas, often seeking shelter and food around our homes. While these marsupials are an important part of the ecosystem, their presence in residential areas can lead to property damage and health concerns. To address these issues effectively, possum removal experts offer valuable insights and practical advice. Here are key tips to help you manage possums safely and humanely.

Understanding Possum Behavior

Possums are nocturnal creatures that typically venture out at night in search of food. They are opportunistic eaters, attracted to fruit trees, pet food, garbage, and other easily accessible food sources. Additionally, possums often seek shelter in roof spaces, attics, or other warm and cozy parts of your home.

Recognizing their habits is the first step toward effective possum removal and prevention.

DIY Possum Management Tips

There are several steps you can take to deter possums from invading your property. These simple DIY measures can save you time and money:

  • Secure Garbage Bins: Use tight-fitting lids to prevent possums from accessing food waste.
  • Eliminate Food Sources: Pick up fallen fruit, store pet food indoors, and clean barbecue grills regularly.
  • Seal Entry Points: Inspect your roof and walls for gaps or holes and seal them with durable materials like steel mesh.
  • Use Natural Deterrents: Strong scents like garlic, vinegar, or eucalyptus oil can repel possums when applied around potential entry points.
  • Trim Overhanging Trees: Reduce access to your roof by cutting back tree branches that are close to your home.

These solutions can significantly reduce the likelihood of possums invading your space.

When to Call the Experts

While DIY methods can be effective for minor issues, severe infestations or persistent problems often require professional intervention. Opting for professional possum removal in Melbourne ensures the issue is handled safely and humanely. Certified experts can:

  • Conduct a thorough inspection to identify entry points and nesting areas.
  • Use humane trapping methods to relocate possums in compliance with local wildlife laws.
  • Offer long-term preventive solutions tailored to your property.

Hiring professionals not only protects your property but also ensures that possums are treated ethically and responsibly.

Benefits of Professional Possum Removal Services

Engaging experts in possum removal comes with numerous advantages, including:

  • Expertise and Equipment: Professionals have the tools and knowledge to handle the situation efficiently.
  • Compliance with Laws: Possums are protected in many areas, and experts ensure all actions comply with regulations.
  • Guaranteed Results: They implement comprehensive solutions to prevent future infestations.

If you’re dealing with recurring possum issues, a professional service can save you time, stress, and money in the long run.


Possums can pose challenges when they invade residential spaces, but with the right approach, their impact can be minimized. DIY methods like sealing entry points, using natural repellents, and eliminating food sources are great starting points. For persistent problems, seeking professional possum removal in Melbourne is the safest and most effective solution. Experts can handle the situation humanely and ensure long-term protection for your property.

Don’t let possums disrupt your peace, take action today. Contact a trusted pest control expert in your area to reclaim your space.

FAQs On Possum Removal Service

Are possums harmful to humans?

Possums are generally harmless but can carry parasites and cause property damage. Managing their presence is essential for health and safety.

Is it legal to remove possums from my property?

In many regions, possums are protected by law. Always consult professionals to ensure removal complies with local wildlife regulations.

What natural deterrents can keep possums away?

Garlic, vinegar, and eucalyptus oil are effective natural repellents. Applying these around entry points can help deter possums.

How can I find reliable possum removal services?

Look for certified and experienced companies offering professional possum removal in Melbourne. Check reviews and ensure they follow humane practices.

Published on: January 23, 2025

Hire the Best, Licensed and Reliable Pest Controllers, Call Now For the Booking of Pest Control French Island- 24/7 hours Availability

We have the best service provider for giving the services in all commercial and residential places of French Island. We have new strategies to help you when you hire us for the most considerable Pest Control Methods in your home. Our Pest Exterminators are the most experienced and knowledgeable to provide the services with the multiple preferred techniques. Our plans and schedules for removing nasty pests are capable of keeping your house pest-free for a long time. At CBD Pest Control French Island, we have the best systems to perform the whole process of our Pest Control. Our Pest Prevention tips and pest treatments are relevant and keep pests away. We remove pests such as Cockroaches, ants, rodents, Silverfish, flies, termites, etc. So, call us if you want to have a healthy life and stress-free routine from nasty pests. We can give you the most beneficial services on the weekends as well.

Affordable Pest Control Company

We Are The Most Reliable And Affordable Pest Control Company In French Island

CBD Pest Control French Island provides comprehensive pest control services and solutions tailored to your individual needs. We can manage any insect problem, including bed bugs, rats, and roaches. We eradicate your insect problem and then work with you to keep them from returning. You do not have any outbreak under our supervision, which spares both time and money.

Our Pest Control French Island team is dedicated to ecologically friendly pest management and exterminating. Moreover eradicating undesirable pests while safeguarding the environment. We accomplish this by replacing hazardous exterminating treatments with more ecologically friendly alternatives. We continue to develop within our business to ensure that you always receive the value to measure and results possible. Hence ring us at 03 4416 2082 to book us. We are happy to help you.

Contact Us

    CBD Pest Control Melbourne

    330 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC 3000 Australia
    Hours of Operation : Mon-Sun 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM

    4.7 out of 5 stars (based on 3 reviews)
    Very good33%

    We Provide The Following Pest Control Services In French Island

    Ant Control French Island

    Ant Treatment French Island

    We provide pest control to eliminate all ants on your property.

    Bed Bugs Control French Island

    Bed Bugs Control French Island

    Hire us if you must get rid of bed bugs in your region. We offer specialised bed bug control services.

    Bee Wasp Removal French Island

    Bee Removal / Wasp Removal French Island

    Are the bees bothering you? Or are you afraid of being stung by bees? Call us immediately away if you need a bee exterminator.

    Cockroach Control French Island

    Cockroach Control French Island

    If you are concerned about cockroaches transmitting germs. You can trust us to get rid of all the roaches in your home.

    Flies Control French Island

    Flies Control French Island

    If you want to get rid of humming flies, contact our flies control French Island experts right now.

    Possum Removal French Island

    Possum Removal French Island

    Due to the fact that it is unlawful to kill possums. On the other hand, they are a source of several ailments. As a result, contact us as soon as possible to technically manage the possums in your neighbourhood.

    Rodent & Mice Control French Island

    French Island Rodent Control / Mice Control

    You may rely on us if you detect mouse bites anywhere. We can get rid of all the mice in your house.

    Silverfish Control French Island

    French Island Silverfish Control

    Allergies are caused by these venomous parasites. So we can assist you in getting rid of silverfish in our home.

    Spider Control French Island

    Spider Control French Island

    We will assist you in cleaning spiders from your house. Call us right now if you want to employ us.

    Termite Control French Island

    Termite Control French Island

    Termites wreak havoc on wood. So do not hesitate to contact us

    Fleas Control French Island

    Fleas Control French Island

    We can assist you in removing any fleas from both pets and surroundings.

    Types of Pest Control Methods We Use

    • Fogging and fumigation:
      For fumigation or fogging, we employ safe pest control solutions. This procedure aids in the removal of bugs from every nook and cranny of the house. As a result, this process removes pests that are not clearly visible.
    • Physical pest control method
      Our professionals utilise pesticides that give long-term protection against pests. Furthermore, the insecticides utilised are non-hazardous and harmless. As a result, you do not have to be concerned about the negative effects of pest management agents.
    • Setup and monitoring of baits and repellents
      We even put up baits to catch rats, possums, and other animals. We also use repellents throughout the property to prevent pests from entering.

    Why Is It Critical To Engage Professional Pest Controllers In French Island

    Pests cause a lot of issues in your homes. They wreak havoc on your home. Therefore it creates a necessity for regular pest inspection & control service in Melbourne. As a result, employing pest control specialists aids in the prevention of harm. Furthermore, thoroughly remove the pest from your home. The bug not only causes property damage but also health problems. Pests carry a variety of germs and viruses that are harmful to human health. Furthermore, it has the potential to induce a wide range of diseases. As a result, engaging the Pest Control French Island team will protect you from being unwell. So contact us for more details as possible. Furthermore, our pest treatment costs are reasonable.

    Here Are A Few Ways Our Skilled Pest Exterminator May Help You

    • Experts are well acquainted with the pest’s hiding locations. This is due to pest exterminators receiving pest behaviour training. That is why we are well-versed in pest behaviours.
    • Our Pest Control French Island team has the most up-to-date equipment to effectively destroy the pest. The results in making the work easier and more efficient.
    • Furthermore, all of our personnel are well-educated and thus have a thorough understanding of pest activities. As a result, our pest exterminators have developed strategies that are specific to each species of pest.
    • Finally, the pest control treatments we employ are non-toxic. We are assured that we are not causing any harm to the environment.

    Our Service Special Offerings Are Listed Below

    Same-day pest control

    Same-day pest control

    French Island locals may benefit from our same-day expert [advanced pest control[ service. Our team is always here to help you.

    Emergency pest control

    Emergency pest control

    Our customer service is excellent. We allow our customers to schedule our services at their convenience. Thus you can call us any time to schedule an emergency service.

    Residential pest control

    Home Pest Control

    We are the most well-known company for providing the best residential pest control services. This is due to our pleasant and dependable pest exterminators. You can rely on us to provide safe pest control services.

    Commercial pest control

    Commercial pest control

    The workplace should be free of disease-causing pests at all times. So, if you’re looking for a commercial pest control solution, choose us. We have a dependable team of specialists ready to assist you with a single phone call.

    Affordable pest control

    Affordable pest control

    Before hiring a professional, one should constantly consider the price. Or they might undertake the work themselves to save money, which is risky. As a result, we devised the most reasonable pest inspection cost in French Island.

    Dead Pest Removal

    Dead Pest Removal

    The next step is to remove any deceased bugs from the premises. Our professionals ensure that the deceased bugs are appropriately disposed of.

    What steps do we use to practise and conduct pest control?

    Pests bring a slew of issues and annoyances. They infiltrate our property and spread across it. If you do not take early action to stop them, it will be impossible to manage their growth.

    To get rid of them, one can engage pest management professionals. We have a team of pest control professionals at 03 4416 2082 that know how to execute their job well. Whatever the type of pest, our personnel are well-trained to perform any type of pest removal service.

    Inspection of the area

    First and foremost, our pest exterminators check the whole region. We look for pests in areas where they are likely to be found. Our skilled personnel understand how to conduct a pest check.

    Remove the source of the infestation

    Pests invade our houses looking for food and shelter. Our experts eliminate all of the origins of insect infestations.

    Follow up visits

    Our staff will visit your place to ensure that pests do not reappear. We confirm that our consumers are pleased with our services. We also offer the best pest control recommendations.

    Affordable pest control company

    Where Do We Provide Pest Control?

    We offer excellent indoor and outdoor pest control services in French Island. Therefore if you are searching for the best pest control near me, then choose us. We have a professional pest control staff with years of experience. Moreover, we are a local pest control company. Thus we can reach you within a few hours of calling. Here are a few examples of the places we perform pest control.

    • Homes
    • Colleges and universities
    • Societies of Residents
    • Commercial properties
    • Children’s health care facilities
    • Production plants, for example.

    Which areas are the first to be inspected during our service?

    Because each pest needs a unique environment to thrive. All of those locations are well known to our Pest Control French Island team. Since we have learned about each pest’s habitat and favourite spots to live. During the pest inspection, we look rearward, at the ceiling and roofing, the interiors of a building, the fence, the outside of structures, the garden and carpets, the underfloor gaps, the timber walls, the driveways, and the garage. Furthermore, we offer a budget pest control service. As a result, there is no need to hesitate in hiring us for the best pet-safe pest control service.

    Our Expert Recommendations For Avoiding Pests

    • You should keep your kitchen tidy. Clean up the food spills immediately. Moreover, store the leftovers and other food items in the refrigerator.
    • Stagnant water encourages mosquito breeding. As a result, you should not allow water to build in any location.
    • Dispose of the garbage daily. Since it attracts rats and insects.
    • Place nets and baits on windows and doors to avoid flies.
    • Maintaining a tidy and well-kept garden space. To minimise mosquito infection, cut down the grasses and bushes regularly.

    Rewards of Appointing Our Pest Control French Island Team

    • Rich strategy: Our team will begin the process by implementing a full-fledged plan that they have designed. As a result, these plans are very well along.
    • Modern tools: Our staff has expertise in all of the modern technologies that allow pest eradication straightforward and rapid.
    • Extensive experience: Because our firm constantly recruits licensed and competent professionals. Our staff is the finest at delivering precisely what clients need.
    • Availability: We are indeed available to our customers, including on Sundays and bank holidays.
    • Future advice: You may also ask our professionals for some that do home cures. They will provide you with efficient methods and suggestions to maintain pests away from the home for a longer length of time.
    • Organic and low-cost items: Our pest exterminator will utilise their years of knowledge to acquire the safest and most inexpensive pest control solutions to remove pests from the property.
    • Time-saving: By assuming over all of your obligations, our staff will help save time. As a consequence, you can unwind and enjoy the rest of your day.

    Published on: December 7, 2022

    Last updated on: January 23, 2025